Need To Save Money On Your Car Insurance? Here's How To Do It
More and more people are looking to save money on their car insurance policies in an attempt to lower their total monthly budget. If this sounds like something that you would like to do, you will want to take a few moments of your time to review the upcoming tips. This way, you too can start saving as much money as possible.
Stop Spreading Out Your Payments
A common misconception is that by spreading your yearly car insurance premium out over monthly payments, that it will be more affordable. The fact is, many people are actually paying a lot more for their insurance when they pay monthly. Take a minute to give your insurance agent a call and inquire about how much money you can save by switching to yearly, or even twice a year payments. While this is a larger chunk of money that has to be paid at once, when you add everything up, you should see a savings. This is because the insurance companies prefer people to pay their policies in full, as this prevents them from having to send out late notices and deal with cancellations.
Increase That Deductible
Do not make the mistake of assuming that by keeping your deductible as low as possible that you are saving yourself money. Even though it might appear that way on the surface, you could be costing yourself a lot of extra money over the years, especially if you are not someone that makes regular claims to the auto insurance company. The reason for this is because the insurance companies will have to pay more out of their pockets if you file a claim. They try to offset that by charging you a higher premium in exchange for the lower deductible. If you are a safe driver and have never found yourself to be someone that has had to file a lot of claims, you are paying more money than you should. Increase the deductible. This way, you are only paying the higher amount should you actually find yourself in an accident that is not covered by the insurance company of another driver.
All you have to do now is to make sure that you are implementing the following tips. Once you have successfully lowered the price of your car insurance, you can move on to another regular expense to see how you can get the cost of that down as well.